Thursday, March 24, 2011

equinox, the moose and the moon

equinox went walking
on the night of winter-spring
stepping to the rhythm
of a song she loved to sing

she sang of bronzed and sodden leaves
peaking up from under snow
she warbled of the shifting winds
from north then south that blow

she tipped her head to the waking moon
and then to great delight
the scent of fresh-baked cookies
warmed her journey through this night

she turned her head and spoke to one
who’d come to hear her song
good eve, my friend, oh star-antlered moose
would you like to come along?

they danced to a wee log-cabin house
whose windows invited their gaze
to a kitchen,  a counter, a cooling rack
and cookies being lifted from trays

come in, please come in, the family said
we always have room for more
welcomed with cookies and humour and love
moose and equinox waltzed through the door

© 2011 Danielle Gugler


  1. (Perry here) -- This is so wonderful and wondrous Danielle!! Thanks for creating the inspired poem!!
    xoxo p

  2. Thanks Perry! I meant to say and will now that this is dedicated to Dorian. I loved his comment that Equinox was allowed one cookie (but not all) and that moose was welcome to one too. How could I not write a poem about that!?

  3. love it. love it. lovelovelove it! It is so lovely. Dori will be thrilled!

  4. Glad you love it! And hope Dori does too.

  5. It occurs to me that they spent too long inside and didn't notice winter's quick and rather nasty return.
    Love your work here!

  6. This one is so happy....lifts my spirits :~))))
